Monday, March 26, 2012

The Bucket List - 5 things to do as soon as we get back from Spring Break

1) Make a Welcome Back treat bag for the kids - I know it was only spring break, but the kids so give me their best right at the beginning of the year, so I'm going to try to dig back into that vibe again. Wish me luck! I'm using the "welcome back" sack idea
from Becky at
I also got many of the ideas listed below from Becky and the girls at  with their Testing Survival Kit. - Now you guys rock!

2) Getting test ready...

  • Reward system for attendance - each day students are ALL present, we will receive a letter in the word PERFECT. When we've spelled perfect, we will celebrate. Choose what works best for your kids. My students seem to go for the homemade treats
  • Tootsie Rolls during our test prep time to let kids know they're on a roll.
  • Reminders on when taking a test, best practices.
  • Hopping into high gear - going with the Easter theme to ready ourselves for the tests. Using snack ideas I got off pinterest, we will celebrate good testing practices and jobs well done with review games.
  • Becky's Bottled to Inspire   for the first day of testing week, and a Hershey Kiss each day of testing - before the test.Pop Rocks each day as they finish the test.
  • Smarties for my "Smartie Pants" the second day of testing.
  • Cookies after testing is through for my smart cookies.
  • Also might add something like this idea from First Grade and Fancy Free. What a great idea to say that these tests will be a piece of cake!
    and from What's the Buzz in 1st add some testing luck by put some Lucky Charms cereal in a baggie and attach one of her FREE downloadable tags! Now that's a great snack to eat during the test!

3) Drop some marbles and let students know I appreciate EVERYONE's efforts! Thank some parents - I have my plans in works, but don't want to post until they get theirs...

4) Teach some of the best lessons ever and staying the course. I don't like to get off track, or behind, but sometimes those facts alone keep me from "not seeing the forest for the trees". With this in mind, keeping joy in the classroom is my major focus in gaining the most learning possible during this intense time of the year.

5) Begin the end of the year Declutter the Classroom Event. I took the idea from 
and and revised it to a calender which I've cut out into notes squares and stuck on a board for students to grab when they "have a minute". I made a chart using ConeflowerBlue studio's idea & instructions. 

Put your own declutter needs up for your class. Now that the weather is nicer, I'm starting with sorting through the game boxes for games with missing pieces and organizing.

Good luck with your back to school and finishing up the year Bucket List!
~ The Farmer's Wife

Friday, March 23, 2012

Blog Beginnings

I needed a place to talk about what's going on in the classroom and log all those thoughts and ideas for keeping it creative, so here I am! 

I feel it's important for you to know where I'm coming from, so here for your reading pleasure is My Philosophy on Teaching:

With harmony established in the classroom, I strive to help each child reach his or her capacity for learning. I believe children learn best when they are totally immersed in learning, and they feel good about themselves, their class, and their school. The child should be inspired to develop all of their talents and abilities; their social, physical, mental, spiritual, and aesthetic qualities should be considered and cultivated.

I view each leaner as unique; therefore, the pace at which an individual learns and various learning styles need to be addressed in terms of what is taught and how it is taught. I believe in treating students and their ideas with respect. I want students to feel free to take risks and learn from mistakes, yet have pride and ownership for their actions and work products. Children should have the opportunity to show that they have acquired knowledge, skills, strategies and competencies – that they have learned - in a variety of ways through authentic assessment practices and multiple demonstrations of mastery.

Now SPRING BREAK is upon us and it's time to focus on that bucket list for the end of the year. My next post will begin there. Hope to see you soon!

Mrs. Simmons   
Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th -